Before "having at it", I painted in a bit of a sky as a backdrop for my incoming foliage and defined the ladder and legs slightly more by sharpening up some of the edges.
Perhaps I didn't go as crazy as I thought I would
(yet), but I certainly had a great deal of fun painting
what I have so far. I've always struggled to work
with greens, so I'm pleasantly surprised with what
I've done so far. Though I intend to add more
foliage in the upper right corner and perhaps a
wash of white in the upper left side to produce a
bit of a "glare" effect, similar to what a performer
might experience from a spotlight when on stage.
When it came to painting the big tree behind the ladder, I decided to take a leaf out of Wilhelm Sasnal's book (pun not intended), when he comes to painting masses of foliage.